Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dr. Carl's TED Talk

Joshua Hahn-Varona


   Dr. Carl's TED Talk was about his book called "High Price." He explains the problems with the war on drugs today. The media paints horrible pictures for people who use drugs but he explains that most of the things we are told about drugs are not true. For example, he did a study about how if you give a drug addict an alternative to their drug of choice, they will most of teh time chose the alternative if the alternative is good enough. In his case, he offered money or store vouchers.

   Dr. Carl calls for decriminalization of all drugs (NOT legalization) that is to make it legal to posses drugs so that our prisons arn't mostly full of people on petty drug charges.

   I found Dr. Carl's information quite interesting. I don't know that it will ever get much traction today but if I did, I think our country may be a little better off. Of course, I don't think people should be doing drugs anyways but at least, as Dr. Carl puts it: "Drug charges won't ruin their lives." If his ideas go through.

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